Saturday 13 January 2007

New Year and moving forward

Happy New Year to all who stop by. Its been ages since I have posted in this blog. its not the sort of thing I want to do alone. I need the other writers in the group to post their thoughts and writings as well. Yesterday was a great day in class with loads of positive things happening. As a result more people may come on the blog so we can get it going. I will attempt now to bring it up to date. The last posting covered the poetry reading evening in St Patricks hall in Belfast.
Maura Rea,Whos pictures are included, has kindly given permission for one of her poems to be included. The book "River of Dreams" has some very evocative poetry.

Hutu Neighbours
they mutilated my husband
so he wouldn`t come back
they threw him in the river
held face down in the water
they drown my daughters
threw them in the river
they killed my baby
threw him in the river
raped over and over
not alive not dead
they threw me in the river
but the river would not take me.
What a strong poem. I really like Mauras work. In a strange way its changed my opinion of poetry. My recollection of Poetry is school stuff that was either too long to remember , Ancient Mariner, or so off the wall I couldnt understand it. I like Maura`s work maybe because I can understand what she is saying.

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